Tip of the Month - July 2023


Source: Landlording-4th edition By Leigh Robinson

The application you use should have sections with information on the applicant’s current and previous tenancies, current and previous jobs, fellow occupants, pets, financial status, vehicles and copies of drivers license.

The application should ask for the name of a person to contact in case of emergency.  This name would not likely appear on an application unless specifically requested. This information may prove vital if a tenant disappears without a trace, as some are wont to do, fail to show up to pay rent, or dies on the property.  Such things do happen and you ought to be prepared if they do.

Because landlords & landladies may no longer refuse to rent to someone on the basis of marital status, you should ask every adult who expects to occupy your rental dwelling to fill out an application. Husbands & wives should fill out separate applications, adult roommates, regardless of their relationship to one another, should also each fill out an application.  You will use a great many applications but you will be well protected against accusations of unfair discrimination and you will have plenty of good information for later reference.

This web page was updated 06/28/2023.