Tip of the Month - July 2009
Investments in Blighted Areas
Source: How to Make Money in Real Estate
McMichael-Moser-Third Edition
Zoning laws, often bitterly
complained about by Owners and Investors who want to use their real
estate for unauthorized purposes, are definitely a deterrent against
blight in urban sections. Had it not been
for the existence of zoning laws for the past half century, American
cities unquestionably would be in a much worse condition than they are
A properly planned city, subject to adequate regulatory laws
and strictly enforced zoning practices, might continue indefinitely
without experiencing decay or blight. Slums would never develop
because the influences, which create slums, would not be present.
In such a community, an Investor would never be at a loss to know how
to spend his money, for the sign posts of control would be apparent to
Few such ideal cities exist, however, so an Investor, to
protect himself from the dangers of becoming entangled in a district
where blight has or is about to lay its heavy hand, must make close and
frequent inquiry into the conditions prevailing in any neighborhood
where he plans to assume an ownership of property.
Cities which have progressive leadership definitely can do
something about their plights. Almost always the plan calls for
spending money, but that is the only way a city can constantly improve
itself. Without proper planning, the money would be spent
unwisely and unprofitably.