Source: Property Management for Dummies-Robert Griswold

One way to set your rental management apart from your competition is to handle tenant maintenance requests quickly and professionally.  Getting prompt resolution to your tenants’ problems will keep them happy.

After a tenant moves in, if he/she notes any problems, don’t view these complaints as negatives.  Instead, think of them as opportunities to let your tenant know that you care.  By quickly and professionally addressing the problem, you will actually improve your tenant relations.  Successful rental owners don’t have to be perfect; they just need to admit the mistake or problem, communicate openly and candidly, and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

One of the most common complaints about rental owners is that they are unwilling to maintain, and especially upgrade, their rental units for the current tenants.  Refusing to repaint, re-carpet, or upgrade the appliances for a great tenant makes no sense. If you don’t do it for the great tenant you have, and that tenant is frustrated with your lack of effort and moves out, you will have to do the work anyway in order to be competitive in the rental market and attract a new unproven tenant.

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This web page was updated on 04/27/2012.