Quality of Neighborhood Life (Part #1)
Source: Houses: 3rd Edition-Henry S. Harrison
does the neighborhood look? Are community areas will kept & clean?
Do yards & houses reflect ongoing interest & care by their
Owners? The way a neighborhood looks tells a lot about the people
who live there. Talking to those people is another good way to
learn about their neighborhood. They can tell what they feel are
the neighborhood’s special attractions & defects.
People usually are willing to discuss neighborhood pros & cons with
an interested listener.
People actually can do more to make
or break a neighborhood than anything else can. The people who
live in a good neighborhood do much to hold it together by their shared
interest in events & conditions that affect it & sometimes by
their attempts to change these conditions. Underlying this
practical relationship is a deeper basis for neighborhood unity:
people’s acceptance, consideration & acknowledgment of each
other as members of a living community.
Taking walks around a neighborhood @
different hours of the day can provide a feeling for the quality of
neighborhood life & uncover the presence of any adverse influences
or nuisances. For instance, is there a lot of noise? If so,
what kind of noise is it? If the noise is made by children
playing outside, it could be music to the ears of a Buyer with four
children of his or her own. But if the noise is from a commercial
airliner whose flight pattern lies directly over or near the
neighborhood, a person should know about that before he or she buys.